This floating island park is made out of recycled trash

แหล่งที่มา : Island Foundation
วันที่โพสต์ :  5 ก.ค. 2561
 This floating island park is made out of recycled trash
Recycled Park first 140m2 open!

On July 4th the first Recycled Park opened in the Rotterdam harbor.

Floating debris from the rivers and port is retrieved and recycled to create a floating park of 140m2.

The aim of this iconic Recycled Park is to illustrate that recycled plastic from the open waters is a valuable material and suitable for recycling.

By re-using the retrieved plastics and by producing building blocks with them, the plastics receives new value.

As an extra the building blocks create a new green area; Recycled Park.

Floating green structures are a plus for the city and have an ecological function in the river as habitat for micro and macro fauna as snails, flatworms, larva, beetles and fish.

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